TI Covers Vibe: Defends Tiny, Anti-Gays And Gives Bin Laden’s Death The Side Eye

Vibe magazine chose The King of the South, T.I to cover their year end issue. Inside, he talks about everything from Bin Laden’s death being a hoax, Americans first amendment rights and his belief that the gay community can be sensitive at times. Tip also became a little defensive while addressing the criticism his wife Tiny received for not taking any drug charges, which he served time in prison for. Check out an excerpt below:
On The legitimacy of Osama’s death
If that really happened…. Man, I’m a conspiracy theorist by nature. You can’t experience the federal penal system and not be somewhat skeptical.

T.I. on all Americans having equal rights
Man, I will say this, the funniest joke I ever heard Tracy say during a stand-up was, ‘C’mon man, I think gay people are too sensitive. If you can take a d*ck, you can take a joke.’ [Cracks up laughing.] That sh*t was funny to me. And it’s kind of true.’ While T.I. makes clear that he supports anyone’s sexual preference, he then connects, in his opinion, a current oversensitivity among gay people with a consequential and ironic offense of the First Amendment. “They’re like,‘If you have an opinion against us, we’re gonna shut you down.’ … That’s not American. If you’re gay you should have the right to be gay in peace, and if you’re against it you should have the right to be against it in peace.’

T.I. on people criticizing Tiny for not taking the drug charge
I’ma tell you, 50 Cent and anybody else, we not gonna have no discussion about what my ole lady shoulda, woulda, coulda done for anything as it pertains to me,” begins his rant. “We ain’t gonn’a do that. I’m the only one in my family that’s gonna take a lick when it pertains to the legal system. Since me, none of my other family members have seen a jail cell. Nobody. I’m the last one. The buck stops here. I feel that a person that stands behind [his woman for a criminal charge] is a coward anyway.

I doubt she would have gotten any time
She wasn’t gonna catch it period, ’cause I’m there. That wasn’t even a consideration. Even if she asked me to I would’ve been like, “Nah, you trippin’. “

So you didn’t feel you were more valuable to your family, employees and business partners on the street?
That’s a discussion between me and another man. Not with the mother of my children. Not with the nurturer of my household.
The issue will be available everywhere December 6th.
via Vibe