Justin Combs Awarded Full Scholarship To UCLA

Diddy and stylist Misa Hylton-Brimm have every reason to be proud parents today as it’s been announced that their oldest son, Justin Combs, accepted a full-ride scholarship to attend UCLA and play on its Division 1 football team.

Justin, who stands at 5′ 9″ and weighs 175 pounds, plays corner back at his high school Iona Prep and, as previously reported, was chosen to play in the Semper Fi All-Star Game in Pheonix this upcoming January. The 17 year old currently holds a 3.75 GPA and will major in business finance when he starts classes at UCLA next fall. He chose the Los-Angeles-based university over schools in Virginia, Wyoming and Illinois.
Justin may have been born into a musical dynasty, but he graciously cites playing Division 1 football as one of his lifelong dreams.
“Today I am truly blessed and thankful to accept my scholarship and give my full commitment to UCLA. Playing division I football was a life long dream of mine, and through hard work I was able to achieve it. I am a living testament that with a strong relationship with God, family, and hard work dreams do come true.”
Diddy gushed over his son’s accomplishment.
“As a parent, today is one of the proudest moments of my life. This is everything a father could want for his son, for him to excel at what he loves to do and is truly passionate about. Justin is a shining example of what hard work, determination and a strong mentality can achieve. I am honored to call him my son and am happy that he is fulfilling his dream.”
As previously reported, his assistant coach had great things to say about Justin’s work ethic:
He could be like every other rich kid, but you have to give him credit, he works hard,” James said. “His work ethic is tremendous, he is not a great football player because of his dad, it’s because of all the work he puts into his game. He just wants to be known as Justin Combs, he doesn’t want to be called Little Diddy.”